Find your true voice
through your business

Find your true voice
through your business


Without leaving home!

We begin this powerful journey in May.

Let your intuition be your business coach!

When it comes to your business, do you allow your intuitive voice

to be obscured by the voice of your coach?

Or the ‘expert’ voices on social media?

Or the voices of your well-meaning biz buddies?

How much power do you give these voices in determining the path of your business?

Many of these voices originate from the yang-based way of doing business,

rather than the yin-based way of being in business.

Yet we are living in an extraordinary time of

raising our consciousness to create a new earth,

and our intuitive voice is demanding to be heard and

expressed in a more powerful way than ever before.

Including through your business!

Female entrepreneurs know that there is a different way to be in business.

We intuitively feel it.

But how can we trust our intuition when so many voices ‘out there’ are saying the opposite?

They believe that they know the right path for your business, even though you feel a heaviness at the thought of following that path…

It is time for you to find your voice.

To find your way to be in business.

To create an intuitively-based business in

the vibrational frequency of the new earth.

Your business is unique.

Your intuitive voice is unique.

YOU are the only one who knows the right path for your business.

This is what I’m co-creating with the inspiring women who are part of my tribe.

Our success doesn’t come from looking ‘out there’, but from looking within.

We’re creating businesses that are in harmony with our life, with the earth,

and with our soul’s reason for incarnating at this extraordinary time.

Do you want to join us?

Then I invite you to explore my sacred spaces:

Biz Alchemy Podcast 

My Newsletter


Jacquelyn Atkins-Portrait

“But Jacquelyn,” I hear you say,

“what if I struggle to hear my intuitive voice?”

Then, beautiful soul, I invite you to take the most important step you can take in creating an intuitively-led business and “Meet your Business”.

Understanding that your business is a separate energetic entity to you, with its own blueprint for its mission on earth, completely changes the way you approach business.

As you learn to communicate and co-create with your business, your intuitive voice becomes stronger.

Before long you won’t take every action recommended by your coach (no matter how much you paid them), the new course that guarantees $20K months, your well-meaning biz buddies, or even the Facebook algorithm (not so well-meaning), without checking in with your business first.

Once your business has given you the all clear, you can follow that advice knowing that your intuitive voice is leading the way!

Does this sound like the perfect way to BE in your business?

If so, here’s how we can co-create the intuitively-led business of your dreams:

New Earth Sessions

One to one sessions focus on your new earth destiny and your new earth business. I use my clairvoyance, whilst also channelling the wisdom of my guides from The Rose Line to help you remember your path.  

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The Playground

My community of inspirational women who are saying no to the patriarchal model of business and yes to creating an intuitively-led new earth business of ease, fun, flow and abundance.

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The Rose Line

My Patreon membership is for women being called to remember their soul lineage and connection with the rose line. Through remembering the essence of the rose, you will reclaim your true voice.

Thank you to the kind, gorgeous and talented Jacquelyn, you never fail to shift things for me. The clarity from our sessions has supported me to make some really big, bold decisions in life and business from a place of complete trust and knowing. I believe everyone should have you on their support team whilst navigating growth on the entrepreneurial journey.

Jo Bendle

The Playground connects women all over the world who are bringing their light together. The opportunity to share and gather inspiration is powerful, and I am honoured to be a part of such a beautiful  group raising the vibration of our earth. The content in the portal constantly brings me back home to myself, so I can bring the best of me into my life and business.

Anita Kaiser

Being part of The Rose Line has become one of my favourite things to do. Every month the meditations get more powerful and they always seem to be perfect for where I am in my journey. I also love that you can go back and listen to anything again. Jacquelyn holds the space with dignity and wisdom, as well as fun. I absolutely recommend this incredible space.

Judi Cranston




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Ep 119: When you hide, who is denied?

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