My one to one sessions help you to remember the gifts you’ve brought into this incarnation, and the role you have in the co-creation of new earth.
One to One Sessions
One to one sessions focus on your new earth destiny and your new earth business and will reactivate the memory of your soul path.
Why have you incarnated on earth at this pivotal moment?
Everything is in flux. You are evolving. Old structures are collapsing under their own weight and we are co-creating new ways for a more harmonious society. We are ushering in New Earth.
You are part of this change. This is why you are reading this.
If you require clarity about the role that you have in this co-creation, then my one to one sessions are for you. The sessions are a combination of my clairvoyant and clairaudient reading of your energy, as well as channelled wisdom from my guides, The Rose Line.
Choose from the New Earth Business Session if you are a business owner, or for a deeper understanding of your role in new earth, the New Earth Destiny Session. The length of each session is 45 minutes.
If you’d like a combination of both sessions over six or twelve months, then my Alchemy Package is perfect for you.
New Earth Payment
The way we transact will evolve in new earth, so I currently offer three ways to pay:
1. The regular way using credit card, which is offered on my payment page. However if you’re paying from a bank account, my preference is to use Wise. Email me for my account details to minimise fees and allow you to pay in your own currency.
2. Bitcoin. Email me for the current exchange and my wallet address.
3. Exchange of goods or services. Perhaps you have something to offer me that I would really value right now. Email me and ask! I’ll be honest if it’s not the right exchange for me at this time.
New Earth Business Session $288 AU
+ 10% GST for Australians
Is your current business able to evolve into the frequency of a new earth business? What changes would this involve? Or is there a new business that is a part of your new earth destiny?
In this session, Jacquelyn will connect you to the energy of your new earh business, and share with you what vital steps must be taken to enable this evolution. Are there changes you must make in your curent business to change the frequency? How will your new earth business attract the tribe that are a vibrational match?
This session will ensure that your new earth business aligns with your new earth destiny.
New Earth Destiny Session
+ 10% GST for Australians
If you are ready to go straight to the heart of why you have incarnated this lifetime, The Rose Line oracles will tell you!
In this session, Jacquelyn combines her gift of clairvoyantly reading your energy body with channelled messages from her Rose Line guides, to clarify where you are at on your soul journey and what must be embraced for you to live your new earth destiny.
For your business to be a full expression of your gifts, it is vital that you know your destiny for this lifetime.
Alchemy Package
The Alchemy package is for female entrepreneurs who are committed to the full expression of their new earth destiny through their business. Designed to assist you to transform your business into the ease, alignment and abundance of a new earth business, choose from a four or six session package. The sessions can be spaced however you wish, and the package is valid for twelve months.
Depending on what is happening for you at the time of the session, our 45 minutes together will move between your business energy and your personal energy, assisting you in the full embodiment of your destiny for this lifetime.
If you would like a chat with Jacquelyn about how the Alchemy package can support you, send her an email.
* All packages are +10% GST for Australians