My Channelled Guidance Session helps you remember the gifts you’ve brought into this incarnation, and your role in the co-creation of new earth. 

One to One Sessions

One to one sessions focus on your new earth destiny and your new earth business and will reactivate the memory of your soul path.

Why have you incarnated on earth at this pivotal moment?

You and the world are evolving, so everything is in flux.
Old structures are collapsing under their own weight and we are co-creating new ways for a more harmonious society.
We are ushering in New Earth.

You are part of this change. This is why you are reading this.

If you require clarity about your role in this co-creation, then my Channelled Guidance Session is for you. The 45 minute session is a combination of my clairvoyant and clairaudient reading of your energy body with channelled wisdom from my guides, The Rose Line.

Your intention for the session can be personal or business, and you will receive exactly what is required to take the next steps towards the life you deeply desire.