Ep 76: Mind your own business!

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn discusses two ways that it’s important to mind your own business. She reminds you that your business has its own blueprint, and so your only concern should be in following your business’s blueprint, not distracting...

Ep 74: Is your ‘About Me’ about YOU?

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares what’s important about your ‘About Me’ page or Bio from an energetic perspective. Does it invite heart connection? Or is it a list of certifications and courses which focus on mental connection? She then shares a...

Ep 53: Is your business your soul’s mission?

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn explores whether the changes coming through with this powerful eclipse season could possibly reveal another path for you outside of your business. This does not necessarily diminish the purpose of your business, but...

Ep 52: Prepare your business for 2022

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn discusses the current eclipse season and how to use these energies to prepare both yourself and your business for the seismic shifts that are coming in 2022. She tunes into the huge transition we’re going through over...