Ep 122: Abundance in a new earth business

Ep 122: Abundance in a new earth business

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn introduces a topic that she doesn’t yet have the answer to, but recognises how important it is for entrepreneurs with new earth businesses to start considering – what does abundance or prosperity look like in the...

Ep 118: How to eliminate your competition

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn discusses how the energy of competition is a hangover from the patriarchal business model, and how it prevents many entrepreneurs from honouring their true voice and uniqueness. You may be surprised to hear the underlying...

Ep 112: Harmonising the hand and heart chakras

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn explores the chakras that she rarely mentions, and yet they are an integral part of her ‘Meet your Business’ meditation – the hand chakras. These chakras play a vital role in the giving of your gifts and your heart...

Ep 111: How to receive your manifestations

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn expands on the topic introduced in the last episode, related to the importance of being able to receive what you wish to manifest in your life. She explores the conditions that you might be placing on your manifesting, without...

Ep 110: Receive the new moon energy meditation

In this episode of Biz Alchemy released just before the new moon, Jacquelyn shares a powerful meditation to co-create your desires with the new moon energy. Perhaps you set new moon intentions, but how open are you to actually receive the manifestation of those...