Ep 133: A new chapter begins

Ep 133: A new chapter begins

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn is on the eve of her four month European pilgrimage and she shares why this is such a pivotal moment for her business and personal evolution. She discusses the chapter that is ending for her, and why you may find yourself...
Ep 122: Abundance in a new earth business

Ep 122: Abundance in a new earth business

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn introduces a topic that she doesn’t yet have the answer to, but recognises how important it is for entrepreneurs with new earth businesses to start considering – what does abundance or prosperity look like in the...

Ep 121: The five feminine wounds

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares her recent discovery that not only is the witch wound in our consciousness sabotaging how we show up in our business, but there are actually a total of five wounds compromising the feminine energy! She lists what these...

Ep 120: The tantra of business

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn marries two words that have probably never been in a relationship before! She explores how tantra is not only relevant to, but vital for business. The harmonious relationship between masculine and feminine is what will enable...

Ep 117: The marketing that keeps on giving

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares her insights about how her marketing channels have supported her during her long-term European travels. She recently realised that there are certain ways of marketing that keep on giving and others that have a very...