Ep 70: Anita Kaiser – Being an empath in business

Anita Kaiser is an inspirational woman who offers coaching with EFT tapping, energetic healing, and spiritual guidance, for entrepreneurs who are empaths and highly sensitive women. In this chat with Jacquelyn, Anita shares some of the challenges she’s had to navigate...

Ep 47: Grounding your business for success

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn explores the foot chakras and how they’re as relevant for your business as they are for you.  She shares why connecting to the earth energy through the foot chakras is vital for a successful business in our physical 3D...

Ep 20: Clearing the chakras of your business

  In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn introduces the focus for the podcast over the next 3 months – an in-depth exploration of the chakras of your business. To prepare your business for this 3 month journey, she shares a meditation to clear your...