It’s time to remember the gifts you mastered in other
incarnations of your soul,
and integrate them into who you are now.
We are remembering.
We are ready to embrace all of who we are.
Many of us feel that our soul has experienced the powerful ages of
Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt and Avalon.
We sense that we developed powerful gifts in these ages, which we have not fully integrated into this current incarnation.
It is time to REMEMBER.
This is not about being reminded by a healer that you had a past life in any of these eras.
This is about being held in the vibrational frequency of that era, enabling YOU to remember the skills that your soul experienced and mastered during that embodiment.
This is about you reclaiming the wisdom of the Priestess that you are.
You’ve created your business as a portal to share your gifts with the world.
2023 is the year that you will remember what all of those gifts are, so that you can bring the fullness of your light into this world.
Are you ready to REMEMBER?
Then join Jacquelyn for this five-week soul journey to immerse yourself in the vibrational frequency of each of these powerful eras.
Our journey will commence on Tuesday, 21st February.
The dates for each of the 90 minute calls are:
1. Tues 21 Feb @ 7.00pm Sydney / 8.00am London
2. Tues 28 Feb @ 7.00pm Sydney / 8.00am London
3. Tues 7 Mar @ 7.00pm Sydney / 8.00am London
4. Tues 14 Mar @ 7.00pm Sydney / 8.00am London
5. Tues 28 Mar @ 7.00pm Sydney / 9.00am London
Each person who joins the journey is contributing to the energetic frequency of the sacred portal, which will enable us to reach the particular vibrational frequency required each week.
This includes anyone who cannot be live on the call.
The replay will be sent out within 24 hours of the call being held.
A group chat on Telegram will keep us connected to share our remembrances between calls, and provide connection for those who can’t be live.
Additional gifts for those who embark on this sacred journey:
1. FREE access to my Equinox Balance retreat on Tuesday 21st March (valued at $11)
2. Save $77 if you book an Illuminate your Soul Path 1:1 session to expand on the wisdom and insight you receive during the soul journey (pay only $111).