Over the course of history there have been five major wounds to the feminine consciousness that have separated us from being our full potential.
This lifetime is when you choose to change that.
Together we will integrate her-story into history.
We are remembering.
We are integrating all of who we are.
The feminine energy has been traumatised, vilified and cut off from its source. There have even been attempts to obliterate it altogether.
Each of the five wounds is associated with a particular era where the patriarchal energy sought to diminish the strength, power and wisdom of the feminine energy.
It is time to REMEMBER.
This is not about being a victim to the memory of the wounds.
This is about recognising the times where separation was enforced, and integrating the wound from that separation into who you are now, bringing you into wholeness.
This is about you reclaiming the full embodiment of your sacred feminine essence:
* Your connection to your intuition
* Your openness to receive
* Your surrender to trust
* Your softening into abundance
When this is reclaimed, you and your business will thrive in the new earth!
You have most likely heard of the witch wound and how it silenced your voice. Imagine the impact of the four other wounds on the way you are showing up as your true self in your life and business.
Remembering these five wounds is a journey back to wholeness within your feminine essence.
This allows harmony between your inner masculine and feminine which activates your personal evolution into the frequency known as new earth or 5D.
Are you ready to REMEMBER?
Then join Jacquelyn for this second REMEMBER soul journey, returning to five eras where the wounds were perpetrated, to reclaim what you have lost.
1. The Eden wound
2. The Church wound
3. The Magick wound
4. The Witch wound
5. The War wound
* It isn’t necessary to have completed the first REMEMBER journey to join this second one.
Our journey will commence on 3rd October (2nd October in North America), with calls held every two weeks to allow for integration.
The dates for each of the 90 minute calls are:
1. Tues 3rd October @ 10.00am Sydney / 7.00pm New York (Mon 2nd)
2. Tues 17th October @ 10.00am Sydney / 7.00pm New York (Mon 16th)
3. Tues 31st October@ 10.00am Sydney / 7.00pm New York (Mon 30th)
4. Tues 14th November @ 10.00am Sydney / 6.00pm New York (Mon 13th)
5. Tues 21st November @ 10.00am Sydney / 6.00pm New York (Mon 20th)
* There is just one week between session 4 and 5 because I’m holding my Australian retreat the following week.
Each person who joins the journey is contributing to the energetic frequency of the sacred portal, which will enable us to reach the particular vibrational frequency required each week. This includes anyone who cannot be live on the call.
This journey is limited to 22 participants to ensure that everyone is able to receive something personal from me each call (everyone receives this, even if you’re not live).
The replay will be sent out within 24 hours of the call being held.
A group chat on Telegram will keep us connected to share our remembrances between calls, and provide connection for those who can’t be live.